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In order to efficiently add value, we believe that the relationship with our customers needs to be based on three basic pillars:

1) Ethics and transparency

The moment we agree to help a client with a project, their interests are our main objective. We believe that every successful long-term business relationship needs to be anchored in a frank exchange of opinions in an objective manner. Our customers will always know in a realistic way what we think – positive points and points to improve – in relation to their companies/projects. We will also try to build realistic expectations regarding the results of each project.

2) Professionalism and dedication

We serve a limited number of clients at a time, with great dedication and focus for each one of them. All projects will always be managed by a partner with first-rate training and outstanding experience in the type of project to be carried out, to guarantee the quality of execution, even when larger teams are needed to complete the project.

3) Alignment of interests

We demonstrate our commitment and alignment of interests with our clients in practice. Therefore, a considerable part of our remuneration will be made according to the success of the project from our client's point of view. We believe this is the best way to align the interests of all those involved and maximize the generation of value for our clients at the execution stage.